I like the game except for why is there decay when Im flying
I like the game except for why is there decay when Im flying
Idk why many reviews of haters say that "ITS A CHEAP VERSION OF AGAR.IO!!!".... The only thing this game has in common with agario is: Moving around, Collecting mass. Thats it! This game has no split button, no "eject mass" button, and you cant eat another player by just making him enter u. Once the fleets are inside each other, they start shooting each other. And the smaller fleet has a chance of escaping through a jump gate!
There isnt a multiplayer they just trick you and make you think there is, its all cpu players with random names to fool you. You can easily spot the same movement patterns, I only wanted to play for the multiplayer.
This is honestly a fantastic game, and deserves these 4 stars. However, there should be a: Online player chat, different maps with possibly some obstacles or something, and possibly some added power ups to pick up. Please.
1) when u get large enough the game has a very loud and annoying, f***ing annoying rather...ringing noise that gets faster and faster the larger you get. 2) apparently it isnt real multiplayer in the sense of online, which makes sense since the same names appear even when it "loads a different server/map" 3) very repetitive. 2/5 stars and maybe not even worth two after i found out it isnt online.
This game is great if you like being cheated on, fI you are bigger then a person and try to eat them apperently they can randomly start eating you. I mean really can you fix the glitches and please if they player slides up the app please let them know they will be on a different sever
Its a pretty good game and there are a good amount of strategeis like one most dont know about which is the one where you wait till the bigger ones low on energy. I mean its fun but theres not alot to do when your 1st place and gets kind of old so i would like you guys to make it different then youll have five stars from me thx
This is a really fun addictive game, its very similar to the mobile app agar.io but this runs much more smoothly. If you could add more details, or more features such as a shop or something? That would be cool!
Its not even multiplayer its cpus
Good game, needs sum thing to do when Im the largest fleet in the galaxy.
"Oh these are computers,its a rip of agario,this game is
This is my favorite game I play it everyday and I also play the game that got me into this-Galaxy wars ice-and I love this so much, so all of you agar.io lovers this is probably 60x better. THIS DESERVE 5 STARS!great game
I had about 180 ships with me and I go to take someones ships and he had about 160 as I attack him he takes mine even though I have more ships FIX THIS! This is a good game just fix that problem
this game is one of my favorites, Slug Empire being my name in-game. its really fun to play except when youre on a huge winning spree and the ringing sound starts. i think its a celebratory thing because it starts at exactly 150 points?? its really annoying to me but all in all good game (i also like the power idea, and is it a problem i cant get above 399 points? or is that just a max point thing)
Very fun, but it gets boring after a while.